Posted by Chelsea Moore on

Tell us about 54 Thrones, what inspired you to start the company in 2016? 

I was inspired by my Aunt in Nigeria, who would always send me tubes of shea butter and like soap and cocoa butter as kids and then when I started traveling around Africa, I was even more inspired by just the beauty, the continent, and the people.

Where did the name 54 Thrones come from? 

There are 54 countries in Africa, and that is where the name 54 Thrones comes from. We get 100% of our ingredients from African countries. 

It’s incredible that you travel to each country to source the ingredients for your product. Was it difficult for you to create contacts and how did you come up with this formula? 

Yes, it was difficult, it’s a lot of travel and was costly but it was worth it. It was the only way I saw myself creating this brand. I get formulas from speaking to the elders in these African communities and villages and getting ideas from them and then modernizing.

Describe your first major victory at 54 Thrones. 

My first victory? That’s hard because I celebrate all victories, big and small, anything that’s good happening, I'm celebrating. I think winning Oprah's best face oil award, and then also getting into Nordstrom was amazing for us!

What has been your biggest challenge in building this business?

The biggest challenge has been getting access to capital. I have bootstrapped 54 Thrones 100%, and getting it into the next level you need capital. That’s been one of the bigger challenges, but we are pulling through and we’re not going to stop.

What are some of your favorite brands to follow along with?

I would say Adwoa Beauty @adwoabeauty, Pat McGrath @patmcgrathreal, OUI the People @ouithepeople, Glow Recipe @glowrecipe, Tower 28 Beauty @tower28beauty, those are my favorite brands. 

What’s next for 54 Thrones? 

What’s next for us? My lips are sealed, you're going to have to watch and see.

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