We know that the Holidays this year look a little different when it comes to being with the ones that mean the most. Luckily for you, BOXFOX is all about helping you be there for someone without physically being there. You've helped them, now let us help you.
Your gifting just got easier, we're giving you a breakdown of all the ways we're there for you this Holiday season //
Did you know we've added a HOLD FOR THE HOLIDAYS button on our website so you can shop now and we'll send it later (just in time for your Holiday celebration). Take the stress off of last minute Holiday shopping. All gifts will deliver the week of December 14th.
Guess what? We're shipping 6 days a week during the holidays to make sure your gift gets where it needs to be.
We're placing a 'DO NOT OPEN UNTIL CHRISTMAS' sticker on all of the boxes to make sure that there's no spoiler alerts here!
Just a little reminder, we top every BOXFOX off with a handwritten note so you can make your gift that much more special this holiday season.
Have more questions? Need more answers? Head to our FAQ page for more ON HOLIDAY.
All holiday gifts will have a to/from tag to help you stay organized and efficient.