Corporate Client & Vendor Spotlight: Valentine's Day Edition

Corporate Client & Vendor Spotlight: Valentine's Day Edition

Posted by BOXFOX TEAM on

Valentine's Day has us all really feeling the love at BOXFOX HQ! This week we wanted to take some time to spotlight just a few of the clients and vendors we love working with.  We took some time to chat with them about finding inspiration in life and work, how they stay productive and, shameless plug, what they love about working with us. Read on to get inspired!

C L I E N T S   W E   L O V E


What's one professional mantra, quote or piece of advice you love? “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”  

What are some workplace productivity hacks you swear by? My actual honest to goodness task list. It’s old school and on paper but I LOVE it.  It’s broken down by Personal and Work & “must do” and “will do”. It allows me to really visualize and prioritize my day. It’s a rolling list, so tasks are crossed off and added constantly and that allows me to stay focused and on target.  (Most of the time!) I also move actionable items to my calendar in my email so that I know I’ve scheduled time to deal with them well before they are due.

What do you love about working with BOXFOX? I love that my item choices are clever, unique and whimsical. I can create a box by a variety of themes so it’s very easy. More than one of my clients has emailed me to share that “this is the best gift I have received!” That makes me feel good! I want my gifts to stand out and when I order from Box Fox, I know that it will capture the attention of my clients.


What's one professional mantra, quote or piece of advice you love? "I always did something I was a little not ready to. I think that’s how you grow. When there's that moment of 'Wow, I'm not really sure I can do this,' and you push through those moments, that's when you have a breakthrough." ― Marissa Mayer, former CEO of Yahoo

What are some workplace productivity hacks you swear by? Take time on Sunday to get ready for the week ahead. Sundays are perfect for prioritizing tasks for the week of ahead and getting yourself set up for success.  

What do you love about working with BOXFOX? Everything feels so personalized! From the amazing options of products for any type of client to the handwritten note, it just feels more personal than most gifting options out there.


What's one professional mantra, quote or piece of advice you love? "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

What are some workplace productivity hacks you swear by? Our work is constantly inspired by the stories, talents, and creative minds of our team, the talent we work with, and the brands we partner with. Everyone has a unique perspective on how to make amazing content in the digital space, and it's rewarding to see those ideas come to life.

What do you love about working with BOXFOX? BOXFOX has an extensive, curated catalog. Every item looks like it belongs in an elegant gift box. Pricing and customization options are clear, making it easy to put together a great gift that everyone will remember.  


What's one professional mantra, quote or piece of advice you love? 
"The harder you work, the luckier you get." - Gary Player
This is a family mantra. We love how simple, yet true these words are. We often think about fortuitous opportunities that have come our way simply by hustling and working hard.

What are some workplace productivity hacks you swear by? We love TextExpander! You insert snippets of text from content you use everyday (e.g. boilerplate, contact info, pricing, etc.) and with a quick keyword search, it auto-populates your desired text. This saves us a ton of time in both typing and looking information up in different areas of our digital world. 

What do you love about working with BOXFOX? Where do we start?! First, we have saved SO much time having BOXFOX curate, package, and ship our client gifts. Second, BOXFOX makes us look good! From the presentation to the products included, we have received wonderful compliments and social media shout-outs from our clients. Third, we love that we can customize the boxes with our branding, making each client gift a touch point for our brand.
V E N D O R S  W E  L O V E


What's one creative mantra, quote or piece of advice you love? When I was a struggling creative in my 20's, people always told me to do what I love and do it well and everything else will follow. I do believe it's true but you have to work hard at it. Hard work and a little bit of luck, you will be successful.

Where do you find your business and/or creative inspiration? Travel always gives me new perspectives. It gets you out of the daily grind and makes you see everything in a new light. That's when your creativity sparks.

What do you love about working with BOXFOX? The fact that you guys do the hard work of curating the special boxes for everyone. The element of surprises and joys that the customers experience.


What's one creative mantra, quote or piece of advice you love? Tom has this inspirational poster on his wall, that he found at a thrift store, with a guy running off into the sunset and it says "The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running'. Right on!

Where do you find your business and/or creative inspiration? Restaurants, art museums, botanical gardens, talking with other entrepreneurs, good food, old movies, California sunsets.
What do you love about working with BOXFOX? The curation of the boxes are top - they're so personal! We personally send Boxfox to some of our business partners because we know it's a quality product. We also love that Boxfox is local (LA Love!) and female owned.
Want to be featured in our next client spotlight or have a question about our Corporate Gifting program? Drop us a line at We can't wait to hear from you!

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