Foxes, get ready. What we’re about to introduce to you right now is going to be fun, helpful, and interactive! You may or may not know, but Eleanor is our beloved office dog. She is in HQ with us every day, and we consider her an integral part of the BOXFOX team.
Because we get a lot of questions from you guys about how to gift for tricky people or situations, and because we're all about helping you gift functionally and thoughtfully, we have decide to add an A S K E L E A N O R column to our weekly FoxTale newsletter! Each week, Eleanor will address one of your most challenging gifting questions and curate a beautiful BOXFOX to go along with it. Say goodbye to your trickiest gifting puzzles!
Drop us a line at for a chance that your gifting nuisance is featured in next week’s A S K E L E A N O R column!