Word to My Mother // BOXFOX Interns

Word to My Mother // BOXFOX Interns

Posted by Danielle Merrihew on

This #wordtomymother comes from the 'terns, Molly and Danielle. 

Word To My Mother // BOXFOX

D A N I E L L E   M E R R I H E W

"Carrie Lynn, you are an absolute angel! There really aren’t enough words to describe how great you are. You are caring, kind, intelligent, humble, genuine, funny, creative, beautiful, generous, honest, supportive, compassionate, and everything in between. Hopefully when I grow up (crazy that that’s a thing I’m supposed to be doing soon) I can emulate you.

I honestly don’t know how you and Daddy managed to shape Noelle and I from two weirdos who would tie ourselves together with ballet tights and run around the house like maniacs for hours, into semi-functional members of society… but bravo to you. And thanks, by the way, for providing me with a best friend for always by giving me Noelle – ya’ did good.

Thank you for putting up with me, loving me unconditionally, supporting me through my questionable bangs phase, attending a collective seven Hilary Duff and Jonas Brothers concerts, always answering the phone when I call in a panic from the grocery store, and a so so soooo much more.

I love you to the moon and back, mommy! Happy Mother’s Day!"


BOXFOX // Word To My Mother

M O L L Y   S A N D E R S

"My mom and I talk on the phone at least once everyday-if not more… usually more. She is my go-to-person for pretty much everything. I call her to complain about school, dish the drama, recap the last episode of Jane the Virgin (we are still not over Michael), and for advice about everything and anything.

My mom has always said that having sisters means having best friends for life. Growing up, I didn’t really take this so seriously and it didn’t stop my sisters and I from fighting (mostly me and my little sister). But, my mom worked hard to stress the importance of family, making sure we always looked out for each other and spent time together.

She forced Sarah (my older sister) to let me hang out with her when her friends were over- no matter how much I bugged her. She had me take Maggie (my little sister) to go out for ice cream or to the movies on the weekends. She told us to share toys, clothes, and never boys. When Sarah and I were in high school together, and Maggie was in middle school, we would reluctantly bring Maggie with us wherever we go. But now, those are the moments I thank my mom for. Somewhere between our fights and forced hangouts- we started to become best friends. Now that we are older and have moved away from home, it is easy to realize why my mom spent so much time making sure that family was a number one priority. Friends can come and go, but my sisters will always be there for me and I don’t know what I would do without them!"

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