Neeley Kolsch, founder and CEO of Well-Kept Wipes, built her company after noticing that at her previous job, she was glued to the phone so much that she started to develop blemishes along the side of her face. Realizing there was a hole in the market for chic, functional, and affordable products to clean devices, Neeley created Well-Kept and never looked back.
Well-Kept was one of the first brands we reached out to when starting BOXFOX, and Neeley is a class act! In a world where our phones and laptops are an extension of ourselves, Neeley found the perfect way to help us keep these personal electronics clean all while wrapped in the type of packaging we don't mind peeking out of our purses.
Get to know Neeley below and order yourself a pack (or 6!) of our favorite secret weapon!
N A M E / Neeley Kolsch
H O M E T O W N / Cocoa Beach, FL
C U R R E N T L O C A T I O N / Atlanta, GA
P R O F E S S I O N A L B A C K G R O U N D / Disaster Recovery for 12+ years… but now CEO for Well-Kept
E D U C A T I O N / International Business, UCF and Interior Design, Winter Park Tech
F A V O R I T E Q U O T E / “It is in giving that we receive” Francis of Assisi.
Where did you get the idea to start Well-Kept?
My previous job was in Disaster Recovery response. This meant being on call 24/7 so I was always glued to my cell phone. I started noticing blemishes along the side of my face and after research learned it was from my dirty cellphone. I looked at office supply stores and electronic stores for something to clean my beloved device with and noticed a void in the market for a chic and quality product. I created a business plan and found a manufacturer. After this I pitched the idea to the owner of fab’rik Boutiques and she loved the idea so much that she told me if I had the product ready by Black Friday (2011) she would put them in all 30+ stores.
What is your typical day?
Everyday is different.. but it usually involves some quiet time in the morning, yoga or some other form of exercise, and then tending to business via email, skype or in person meetings.
What is your favorite city and why?
I love Paris. I find the city so romantic and inspiring for business. My last visit I was for business and I found myself journaling on the train and setting goals for well-kept.
What is your happy place?
Around the dinner table with my family and friends. I also visit Kenya every year and love working with the women in the village on the Business Start-Up Education Program that well-kept funded with the Karogoto pattern.
Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 15 years?
Honestly, I have no idea! I’ve always set goals for myself and have thoughts about where I would like to be but nothing in my life has turned out exactly the way I’ve planned. Because of this I just try to do the next best thing in my life and stash some cash along the way.
Favorite magic tool?
Who has influenced you the most to get to where you are today?
My mom has always encouraged me to dream.
When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I think I wanted to sell Kool-aid for a very long time but also had dreams of being the first woman President.