Product Overview / The Five Minute Journal

Product Overview / The Five Minute Journal

Posted by BOXFOX TEAM on


2018: The year of self-care. Why not start by sprucing up your NIGHTSTAND and setting a goal to start journaling? Sounds easy enough. (We have the perfect products to keep your lips moisturized and soothing scents to calm you down…and there’s no shame in sending a care package to yourself!) But the task of “journaling” seems so intimidating, bringing back flashbacks from 3rd grade creative writing and the self-conscious thoughts: “I have no idea what I’m doing, I hope this is what I’m supposed to be writing!”

We’ve solved that age-old insecurity of what to write about with our new favorite product - The Five Minute Journal. Its structured format takes the guess work out of the equation, and gets you focused on positive things to write about. By taking a few moments a day to ponder on what you’re thankful for, what your intentions for the day are, and what you’re amazing at, your entire outlook of the day can shift for the better. What’s more, conclude the day with reflections on what occurred and what you can do better, not only learning from slip-ups and mistakes, but manifesting future positive changes in yourself. It’s your secret weapon to self-improvement - with fellow journalers noting increased happiness, better relationships, and more optimism.

Check it out!

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