Everything's Going To Be OK // Grad Advice From Our Co-Founders

Everything's Going To Be OK // Grad Advice From Our Co-Founders

Posted by BOXFOX TEAM on

This week, we're all about you, class of 2018! CONGRATULATIONS—You’ve probably heard people tell you to embrace your college years and now you’re wishing you could turn around and do it all over again. Take it from us, graduation can be intimidating but listen up, the real world can be FUN. Yes, you can actually love what you do. No, it’s not a myth, we promise (here’s to you, BOXFOX).

This week, we’re serving up some advice from our Co-Founders; Women who at one point, were in your shoes and yes, also went through exactly what you’re feeling. SURPRISE! You aren’t alone in this //

Our intern Carly & her friends, proud members of the USC Class of 2018!

Chelsea Moore // CEO + Co-Founder

I always felt like I needed to pursue a socially accepted path in order to call myself "successful". At the time, it meant graduating with honors and going to a top law school or becoming a consultant at a Big 4 firm before heading off to Wharton. But guess what, I didn't. I landed as a paid intern in the crippling satellite office of an ad agency, also working as a spray tanner, nanny, traveling sample-sale hoster and any other small job I could get my hands on. It's okay to define your own version of success, and take some time to figure out what it looks like to you. However, don't take the first few years of 20's "off". Use that time to "fail forward" towards something meaningful that you're passionate about.

Jenni Olivero // COO + Co-Founder

Graduation is such a bittersweet time, but there is so much hope in the air. Everyone is about to launch on their own new paths, in different time zones and on different schedules. My advice to any grads out there is simple: make the effort to keep in touch. Schedule time for to meet up for coffee, make phone calls, send texts and comment and dm. Technology makes it so easy! But here’s the thing - everyone is in their own transition -  be sure to acknowledge that just because you have time at that moment doesn’t mean everyone else does too. Don’t take it too personally if dinner needs to get rescheduled, for the second of third time. Everyone is just trying to find their own new balance! And when you do find time to catch up, I guarantee it’ll be just like old times. 

I would also recommend planning at least one annual trip with your close friends. My group of girls (including Chelsea!) have been so good about planning trips ridiculously far ahead of time so that we can all make it! We visited Katie in DC, hosted the girls in LA, sang our hearts out in Nashville, and next weekend we’ll all be reunited at a wedding. There’s nothing like creating memories together! 

Sabena Suri // CSO + Co-Founder

Ask for what you want. You’ll realize that while surrounding yourself with great mentors and people to advocate on your behalf is important, at the end of the day, you are the one responsible for the trajectory of your life, whether it be with your career, your relationships, or anything else. There’s a lot of power in that, so don’t be afraid to speak up and tell people what you deserve. 

Trust your gut. As you navigate the “real world,” you’ll soon realize that a lot of things aren’t black and white. There isn’t a set path or a rulebook for how things are going to play out, and the structure of high school and college often feels like a distant memory. What you do have that you can always rely on is your gut. Trust it to tell you what decision to make and don’t get caught up in how other people are living their lives. The only competition you’re in is with yourself and your instincts will never to move you in the right direction! 

Get out of your comfort zone. I’ve found that every great opportunity that has come my way involved me taking a step out of my comfort zone in some form. Don’t be afraid to apply to that job you might not be perfectly qualified for or strike up a conversation with someone who could be instrumental to your future. Anything worth having takes a little courage. 

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